Hot Yoga

Our Hot Yoga classes are heated using infra-red ceiling panels. Infra-red heat has many benefits, these include detoxification, pain relief, reduction of muscle tension, relaxation, improved circulation, weight loss, skin purification, boosting of the immune system and lowering of blood pressure.

Hot Yoga at Mula honours the traditional methodology of doing yoga in this heated environment. The classes are hatha style meaning that poses are sequenced one after another at a pace which allows you to maintain a steady breath pattern & with it a sense of inner-calm amidst the challenge.

Our Wednesday class is a Set Sequence class which is ideal for Beginners!

Monday night’s Hot yoga class is a flow which is better for those with a little experience or adventurous beginners 😉

If you suffer with any medical conditions please consult with your GP before attending Hot Yoga to check this is not contra-indicated for you.

Hot Yoga is not suitable for women during pregnancy.

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Hot Yoga classes are on..

Monday 6:30pm

Wednesday 6:15pm & 7:30pm

powered by Glofox

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